Royal Blue & White Weekend

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    The history of the Blue and White Weekend begin in 1967 on the campus of Florida Agricultrual and Mechanical College, a Federal Land Grant college established in 1887.  Now a University, FAMU  originally held the Royal Blue & White with the intent of holding an alternative event to the National Convention held in Nebraska at that time.  The concept was for the so called "Blackjack" units (HBCU's) to fellowship, exchange ideas, information, and share in our love for the Fraternity. 

    The hosting of the event began rotating to other Schools in the early 1990's, when Tuskegee University hosted the first Royal Blue and White weekend that was not at FAMU.   Since that time, the Host school has rotated every year, providing an opportunity for the event to be held in different areas of the United stated, but predominantly on the East Coast in the South.    As the popularity of the event grew, and with the solidification of the National Alumni organizations for NSPA and NSPRAA, both of theese organizations began to have their Annual  Business meeting during the Saturday morning portion of the weekend.  When this occured,the informal management of the selection process was provided with much needed rigor when the NSPA began managing the process, soliciting Bids from interested host schools, and having a selection process during their Annual Meeting, which was held during the Blue and White Weekend.  

     As the Fraternity and Sorority moved into the new millenium he Fraternity and Sorority went through further growth when the decision was made to allow the National Staff of the NSPR to be selected from withing the membership across the country (not just from the Brothers of the University of Nebraska. With that change came the change that allowed the National Convention to also be held at locations other than the campus of the University of Nebraska.  Since then, NATCON has also rotated lolcations, and the NSPRAA and NSPA now have their Annual meetings during NATCON.  In this new era, where the NSPA Annual meeting was not held during B&W, the process began to revert back to  an informal selection process, with no rigor, fairness, or consideration of capabilities.  The process we now use, returns us to ensuring that the resources  are available

The table below shows which school hosted, during which year:
2021 - ?     
2020 - Morgan State University - J-8 
2019 - Virginia State University -  O-4 (125th Anniversary of P/R)
2018 - Morehouse College -  B-16
2017 - FAMU - C-16
2016 - St Augistines College -  A-4
2015 - Norfolk University  -  R-4
2014 - Not Held - see SkunkFest
2013 -  Virginia State University -  O-4
2012 - Tuskegee University -  P-6
2011 - Morgan State University -  J-8
2010 - FAMU - C-16
2009 - Howard University -  G-8
2008 - Tuskegee University -  P-6
2007 - South Carolina State University - K-4 
2006 - Morgan State University -  J-8
2005 - North Carolina A&T -  N-4
2004 -  FAMU - C-16
2003 -  Norfolk University  -  R-4
2002 - Morgan State University -  J-8
2001 - FAMU - C-16
2000 - Virginia State University -  O-4
1999 - North Carolina A&T -  N-4
1998 - FAMU - C-16
1997 - North Carolina A&T -  N-4
1996 - Tuskegee University -  P-4
1995  -  Morgan State University -  J-8
1994  -  FAMU - C-16 (100th Anniversary of P/R)
1993  -  Virginia State University - O-4
1992  -  Alabama A&M
1991 -   Tuskeegee University
1990 - FAMU - C-16
1989 - FAMU - C-16
1988 - FAMU - C-16
1987 - FAMU - C-16
1986 - FAMU - C-16
1985 - FAMU - C-16
1984 - FAMU - C-16
1983 - FAMU - C-16
1982 - FAMU - C-16
1981 - FAMU - C-16
1980 - FAMU - C-16
1979 - FAMU - C-16
1978 - FAMU - C-16
1977 - FAMU - C-16
1976 - FAMU - C-16
1975 - FAMU - C-16
1974 - FAMU - C-16
1973 - FAMU - C-16
1972 - FAMU - C-16
1971 - FAMU - C-16
1970 - FAMU - C-16
1969 - FAMU - C-16 (75th Anniversary of P/R)
1968 - FAMU - C-16
1967 - FAMU - C-16







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